America’s Original Infrastructure: Nature - Welcome to Soccer World


Saturday 25 June 2016

America’s Original Infrastructure: Nature

America has a $3.6 trillion infrastructure problem.
That’s what it will take to fix our aging roads, bridges, levees, water mains and other systems that support our communities and economies, according to the American Society of Civil Engineers. In its most recent report card, the group gave the U.S. a cumulative grade of D+ on its infrastructure.
Unfortunately, there’s little political will to invest in these repairs. The U.S. is not just underfunding infrastructure—it’s spending less on infrastructure than it ever has.
This has to change.
Fixing America’s infrastructure will require a fundamental shift in the way we think about—and fund—solutions. If we get things right, 10 years from now, as America celebrates its 250th anniversary, we could have cleaner water, healthier cities and safer coastal areas. We could see less concrete and rebar and more trees and green space. And it might cost less than we think.
This future is already emerging, as leaders across industries and sectors invest in America’s original infrastructure—the forests, rivers, wetlands and other natural systems that cool and clean our air, filter our water and protect our coastlines.
These natural systems are not fringe benefits, but rather central infrastructure solutions that can sometimes outperform our best technology.
Safeguarding Our Water
Cities from New York to Seattle are investing in watersheds and working with farmers to protect drinking water from agricultural runoff and defray the costs of filtration. Reforestation, the use of cover crops between growing seasons and stream bank restoration in upstream watersheds can reduce erosion and runoff that pollute cities’ water sources.
The recent Urban Water Blueprint report by my organization, The Nature Conservancy (TNC), found these solutions can improve water quality for more than 700 million people globally and reduce treatment costs for cities and utilities. One in four of the 500 cities we analyzed could see a positive return on their investments in natural infrastructure based solely on cost savings from avoided water treatment.
Greening Our Cities
Downstream, cities are turning to nature to address stormwater runoff—a leading cause of water pollution. As rainwater rushes over paved surfaces, it picks up grime, chemicals and other pollutants that flow into nearby waterways. But nature has solutions for this problem.
Cost-effective, nature-based infrastructure such as rain gardens, porous pavement and artificial wetlands filter and soak up runoff, replenishing vital groundwater and relieving overtaxed sewer systems.
Protecting Our Coasts
Nature is also our first line of defense against coastal floods, storms and erosion. A healthy coral reef can absorb 97 percent of a wave’s power before it crashes to the shore. And just a little over 300 feet of mangrove trees can reduce wave height by 66 percent.
Armed with this data, ecologists, engineers and planners are increasingly working together to integrate natural solutions into coastal infrastructure projects.
For example, in Florida’s Miami-Dade County—one of America’s most vulnerable areas for weather catastrophes—the local government is working with engineering firm CH2M and TNC to assess the potential benefits of natural infrastructure, such as mangroves and reefs, for coastal flood risk reduction.
Businesses are interested in these solutions to safeguard their operations, too. Engineers at one Dow plant along the Gulf Coast decided to create a nearby marsh to carry out the final step in water treatment instead of constructing a new water treatment facility. Dow estimates the marsh has saved the company more than $200 million in water filtration costs since its inception. The company is now working with TNC to consider the value of natural solutions in all of its business decisions.
And the value of all of these natural solutions goes far beyond their infrastructure benefits—they also create recreational green spaces, support healthy fisheries and wildlife habitat and can even increase tourism revenue.
Unlocking New Investment
As we think about how to address our immense infrastructure price tag, natural solutions provide the opportunity to tap into innovative financial models.
In Washington, DC, for example, a new stormwater credit-trading market has opened the door for private investment in natural infrastructure. Together with Encourage Capital, TNC has launched a company to finance and develop nature-based projects that generate stormwater retention credits. Investors can earn returns by selling those credits to developers looking to meet regulatory requirements through offsite projects.
Elsewhere, water funds are gaining traction as a smart way to finance watershed projects that increase water quality and quantity. Based on a model TNC pioneered in Ecuador and has since taken to more than 30 sites on four continents, the funds typically collect fees from downstream water users to support conservation and agricultural management activities upstream.
Natural infrastructure is not a panacea, of course. Solving America’s infrastructure problem will still require huge investments in both natural and built solutions and the political will to implement them.
But if we make smart investments, this challenge could become one of our biggest opportunities for a brighter future. I think we’ll find that nature is one of the smartest infrastructure investments we can make.
Explore for The Nature Conservancy’s latest thinking, science and recommendations on solutions to the most pressing challenges facing people and the planet.
Mark Tercek is president and CEO of The Nature Conservancy, a leading conservation organization working around the world to conserve the lands and waters on which all life depends. 

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