Reforms for America’s Future - Welcome to Soccer World


Saturday 25 June 2016

Reforms for America’s Future

I know it runs counter to the prevailing public rhetoric as we head into a presidential election year, but I believe the future of the United States is bright and growing brighter.
On the cusp of 2016, the strategic consultants at A.T. Kearney have invited us to look out a decade further and launched the America@250 initiative to examine what the United States will be like in 2026 on the 250th anniversary of our Declaration of Independence.
The America that celebrates its sestercentennial in 2026 will be one, I believe, of vast and growing potential. And I see three key reasons why America’s best days are ahead.
First, the United States is growing — and growing younger compared to other major economies. According to the U.N., by 2050, just 25 percent of U.S. residents will be over age 60. Compare that to 31 percent in China, 41 percent in Japan and higher percentages across much of Europe. Over the next 35 years, America will add more than 100 million people to its population.
Second, the United States will continue to be an engine of enterprise and innovation, given America’s leadership in R&D spending, strong university system and the vibrancy of Silicon Valley.
Third, America has a palpable, self-fulfilling sense of optimism. At the dawn of the 19thcentury, Alexis de Tocqueville observed that Americans see “society as a body in a state of improvement.” Today, I believe this innate, strangely animating optimism lives on.
However, we cannot see America’s brightest future as inevitable. On the contrary, we must do our part to build the “more perfect union” envisioned in our Constitution. And we should start with the following reform agenda.
Immigration reform. We need a modern immigration system with rational laws and regulations, strong border controls, greater opportunities for skilled foreign-born professionals and a clear way forward for undocumented workers — a potential route to U.S. citizenship that bears all the rights and responsibilities of that coveted status.
According to the Partnership for a New American Economy, nearly half of Fortune 500 companies were started by immigrants or their children. And meaningful reform would not only improve security but also ensure that businesses of all sizes have access to workers with the talent and skills they need to remain competitive.
Tax reform. Our current business tax code puts America at a competitive disadvantage with high corporate rates relative to other countries and provisions written as far back as 1962. While political realities make comprehensive, near-term reform unlikely, we need to level the playing field for U.S. firms and workers with lower corporate tax rates and a common-sense territorial system that taxes corporate income once, where it is earned.
Education reform. While our university system remains the envy of the world, there is a growing gap between the kinds of jobs available to new workers and the ability of young people to fill them. Apprenticeship programs similar to those in Germany, Austria and Switzerland could provide a promising path forward for young people without university degrees and help create a next-generation workforce trained by specialists.
Political reform. One of the greatest hurdles to cooperation in Washington is the way congressional district lines are drawn. Thoroughly gerrymandered districts have created an overwhelming number of “safe seats” for both parties. A move to rational, contiguous and competitive districts would facilitate better governance for decades to come.
Urban/transportation reform. With more Americans living in cities, we need better regional transportation cooperation and enhanced mass-transit systems along with more parks, bike lanes and walking paths. Businesses like Coca-Cola can help reduce traffic congestion and improve air quality by investing in electric trucks, reducing deliveries during peak traffic times and encouraging carpooling, telecommuting and other flexible work options.
Along with our growing and youthful population, thriving culture of innovation and entrepreneurship, as well as our enduring optimism, these and other reforms could help ensure that the promise of America is as vibrant as ever as our grand, shared experiment in self-government celebrates its 250th birthday in 2026.

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